VBA detect DXF structure

The following code will generate the structure for a DXF file, from a template. Function fFile_load are not supplied, but it loads a text file as a bunch of lines (search the web for procedures to achieve this task) .

Option Explicit

Private Type tSeed
    Id As String
    Type As String
    Line As Long
End Type

Private Type tDependency
    Id As String
    Element As String
    Parent As String
    Line As Long
End Type

Sub sMacro1()
'Call stx_Profile_Fast
    Dim aLine() As String
    Dim aSeed() As tSeed
    Dim aDependency() As tDependency
    Dim lgLine As Long
    Dim lgZero As Long
    Dim lgSeed As Long
    Dim lgDependency As Long
    Dim Code As Integer
    Dim strText As String
    Dim aStopper() As String
    Dim lgStopper As Long
    lgSeed = g_Base - 1
    lgDependency = g_Base - 1
    ReDim Preserve aStopper(g_Base To g_Base)
    aStopper(g_Base) = "EOF"

    aLine() = fFile_Load(vba.environ("UserProfile") & "\Documents\#test.dxf")

    For lgLine = LBound(aLine) To UBound(aLine) Step 2
        Code = VBA.CLng(aLine(lgLine))
        If Code = 0 Then
            strText = aLine(lgLine + 1)
            'If Not (Not aStopper) Then
            For lgStopper = LBound(aStopper) To UBound(aStopper)
                If aStopper(lgStopper) = strText Then Exit For
            Next lgStopper
            'End If
            If lgStopper > UBound(aStopper) Then
            If strText Like "*END*" Then
                ReDim Preserve aStopper(g_Base To lgStopper)
                aStopper(lgStopper) = strText
            End If
            End If
        End If
    Next lgLine
    For lgLine = LBound(aLine) To UBound(aLine) Step 2
        Code = VBA.CLng(aLine(lgLine))
        If Code = 5 Then
            lgSeed = lgSeed + 1
            ReDim Preserve aSeed(g_Base To lgSeed)
            With aSeed(lgSeed)
                .Id = aLine(lgLine + 1)
                ' Find the 0 backwards (will set the Entity declaration)
                For lgZero = lgLine To LBound(aLine) Step -2
                    If VBA.CLng(aLine(lgZero)) = 0 Then
                        .Type = aLine(lgZero + 1)
                        ' Store ending with "§" if more than one of this item
                        Dim lgItem As Long
                        Dim aItem() As String
                        For lgItem = LBound(aItem) To lgSeed - 1
                            If aItem(lgItem) = aSeed(lgSeed).Type Then
                                aItem(lgItem) = aSeed(lgSeed).Type & "§" ' more than one of these
                                Exit For
                            ElseIf aItem(lgItem) Like aSeed(lgSeed).Type & "§" Then
                                aItem(lgItem) = aSeed(lgSeed).Type ' more than one of these
                                Exit For
                            End If
                        Next lgItem
                        Exit For
                    End If
                Next lgZero
                .Line = lgLine + 1
            End With
        End If
    Next lgLine

    ' Once we have located the seeds, find dependencies
    For lgLine = LBound(aLine) To UBound(aLine) Step 2
        Code = VBA.CLng(aLine(lgLine + 0))
        strText = aLine(lgLine + 1)
        If 320 <= Code And Code <= 369 Then
        'Search for this code in all aSeed
            lgDependency = lgDependency + 1
            ReDim Preserve aDependency(g_Base To lgDependency)
            With aDependency(lgDependency)
                .Id = aLine(lgLine + 1)
                .Line = lgLine + 1
                ' Find the 0 backwards (will set the Entity declaration)
                For lgZero = lgLine To LBound(aLine) Step -2
                    If VBA.CLng(aLine(lgZero)) = 0 Then
                        .Element = aLine(lgZero + 1)
                        Exit For
                    End If
                Next lgZero
                ' Search for seed parent item/entity
                For lgSeed = LBound(aSeed) To UBound(aSeed)
                    If aSeed(lgSeed).Id = strText Then
                        .Parent = aSeed(lgSeed).Type
                        .Line = aSeed(lgSeed).Line
                        Exit For
                    End If
                Next lgSeed
            End With
        End If
        strText = aLine(lgLine + 1)
    Next lgLine
End Sub
Now you have more than a guess to find what seed is linked to what entity.

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