Revit VB.Net programming

I’m not for the Revit thing, but following the BIM master class I have to deal with this kind of software. The practices needs to perform some repeated tasks, not a lot by now, but they will reach a point when they will start to bother me if I repeat them. So I looked for some automatization in the Revit world. For my desesperation, no VBA there, only C# and VB.Net rubbish. First I must state that coming from the Excel VBA environment, the Revit macro manager environment looked like a baby (to say it pollitely). I’m shocked on how it performs every task so slow, and the little power for debugging that has been put there. At the end of the day, playing around with Revit and the code I had found so far, I get the idea that Revit is very very very raw, still changing how to access the core components. Most of the code was not working because it has been deprecated, or some methods are not there anymore to be called. I feel frustrated. From this point, it starts the history of my struggle to get the thing working. In AutoCad I was able to perform with VBA such a vast kind of operations with ease, and I had a lot of documentation to learn.  Now, I run short of these documentation. Even the Revit online “help” is not helping too much, as the samples they say to be on the installation package are not there (2019 version)… and that you have to search on the web to see that is another package (360MB for this 2019 version) -when the installation package is 15 GB on itself-. Go here for other Revit versions. Also the info page was very uninformative, as the code was not easy to take. Oh my god, if you only posted in HTML. Go here to get the original code:
Public Sub MyFirstMacroDocVB()
  Dim baseVec As Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ = Document.Application.Create.NewXYZ(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  Dim upVec As Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ = Document.Application.Create.NewXYZ(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
  Dim origin As Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ = Document.Application.Create.NewXYZ(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  Dim align As Autodesk.Revit.DB.TextAlignFlags = Autodesk.Revit.DB.TextAlignFlags.TEF_ALIGN_LEFT Or Autodesk.Revit.DB.TextAlignFlags.TEF_ALIGN_TOP
  Dim pView As Autodesk.Revit.DB.View = Document.ActiveView
  Dim Transaction As Autodesk.Revit.DB.Transaction = New Autodesk.Revit.DB.Transaction(Document, "NewTextNote")
  Document.Create.NewTextNote(pView, origin, baseVec, upVec, lineWidth, align, strText)
End Sub
And there is some information about plugins on the Autodesk site, but did not get yet into it, as it seems a little boring to follow. Aside the Autodesk there are some other sources: The best resource I finally found was this document from Jeremy Tammik’s site. But the whole document is C# flavour that I do know little right now. Another one is this Harry Mattison’s site, Boost your BIM, with the Udemy courses. Go follow his site, and look for the products he has developed. The courses on Udemy look interesting as well. Also, there are some projects on GitHub dealing with teaching and addons:
  •   (more about this here)
So, having found the basics, I finally went out  to take a look to what others had done in VB.Net… The first item I found on the web is this from Michael Kilkelly’s ArchsMarter site. There used to be a movie introducing API, but no more, you have to rely on the PDF (or maybe the movie corresponds to a short introduction to his course). Looks like very good samples an very informative. The sample PDF has code posted as images, so I had to do an OCR scan to get the code and start to learn. Unfortunatelly I found that there are two items that keeps the code from running (Room element and getSheetCenter); but, for a start, looks promissing. Here is the code from the PDF on plain text. Hope it helps someone.
	Public Sub DeleteUnusedViews()
		'define current document
		Dim currentDoc As Document = Me.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document
		'get all views
		Dim viewCollector = New FilteredElementCollector(currentDoc)
		'get all sheets
		Dim sheetCollector = New FilteredElementCollector(currentDoc)
		'create list of views to delete
		Dim viewsToDelete As New List(Of View)
		'loop through views and check if it's on a sheet 
		For Each curview As View In viewCollector 'check if current view is a template 
			If curview.IsTemplate = False Then
			'check if view can be added to sheet
				If Viewport.CanAddViewToSheet(currentDoc, sheetCollector.FirstElement.Id, curview.Id) = True Then
					'add view to delete list 
				End If 
			End If
		'create transaction
		Dim curTrans As New Transaction(currentDoc) 
		curTrans.Start("Delete unused views")
		'delete views in list
		For Each curViewToDelete As View In viewsToDelete 
		'commit changes 
		'alert the user
		TaskDialog.Show("Deleted Views", "Deleted " & viewsToDelete.Count & " views.")
	End Sub  
	Public Sub CreateSheets()
		'create current document
		Dim curDoc As Document = Me.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document
		'specify CSV file
		Dim CSVFile As String = "C:\RTCNA 2016\Sheet List.csv"
		'create list for sheet information 
		Dim sheetList As New List(Of String())
		'create reader and read CSV file
		Dim myReader = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(CSVFile) 
		myReader.TextFieldType = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FieldType.Delimited 
		myReader.Delimiters = New String() {","}
		'create variable to hold current row of CSV file 
		Dim currentRow As String()
		'loop through data, read each line and put into sheet list array 
		While Not myReader.EndOfData
			currentRow = myReader.ReadFields
			'add sheet to list 
		End While
		'get titleblock instance
		Dim curCollector As New FilteredElementCollector(curDoc) 
		'get all views in current project
		Dim viewCollector As New FilteredElementCollector(curDoc) 
		'create transaction
		Using curTrans As New Transaction(curDoc, "Create Sheets")
			If curTrans.Start = TransactionStatus.Started Then 'loop through sheet array and create new sheets 
				For Each curSheet In sheetList 
					Dim newSheet As ViewSheet
					'create the sheet
					newSheet = ViewSheet.Create(curdoc, curCollector.FirstElementId)
					'update the sheet's parameters 
					newsheet.SheetNumber = curSheet(0) 
					newsheet.Name = curSheet(1)
					'check if specified view in CSV file matches view in project file 
					For Each curView As View In viewCollector 
						If curView.Name = curSheet(2) Then
							'add view to sheet if it isn't already on a sheet 
							Dim curVP As Viewport
							If Viewport.CanAddViewToSheet(curDoc, newSheet.Id, curView.Id) = True Then
								'add view to sheet
								curVP = Viewport.Create(curDoc, newSheet.Id, curView.Id, New XYZ(0,0,0))
								'position view in center of sheet
								curVP.SetBoxCenter(getSheetCenter(curVP, newSheet))
								'alert user view is already on sheet 
								TaskDialog.Show("Alert", "View " & curView.Name & " is already located on a sheet.")
							End If 
						End If
					Next curView 
				Next curSheet 
			End If
			'commit changes 
		End Using
	End Sub 
	Public Sub WallsFromLines()
		'define active document
		Dim curDoc As Document = Me.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document
		'collect all lines in project file
		Dim lineCollector As New FilteredElementCollector(curDoc)
		Dim lineFilter As New CurveElementFilter(CurveElementType.ModelCurve)
		'create transaction
		Using curTrans As New Transaction(curDoc, "add walls")
			If curTrans.Start = TransactionStatus.Started Then
				'loop through lines
				For Each curline As ModelCurve In lineCollector.WherePasses(lineFilter)
					'get current line's sketchplane -we'll use this to determine the line's level 
					Dim curSketchPlan As SketchPlane = curLine.SketchPlane
					'get line's level from sketchplan
					Dim levelCollector As New FilteredElementCollector(curDoc) 
					'loop through levels - if current level matches sketchplane level then create wall 
					For Each curLevel In levelCollector.ToElements 
						If TypeOf curLevel Is Level Then
							If curLevel.Name Like curSketchPlan.Name Then
								'select wall type to create based on line's style 
								Dim curWalltype As Walltype 
								If curline.LineStyle.Name = "A-WALL" Then
									curWalltype = getWallType(curDoc, "Generic - 2&rm - Filled")
								ElseIf curLine.lineStyle.Name = "A-WALL-INT" Then
									curWalltype = getWallType(curDoc, "Interior - 79mm Partition (1-hr)")
								ElseIf curLine.LineStyle.Name = "A-HALL-GLA2" Then 
									curWalltype = getWallType(curDoc, "Storefront")
									curWalltype = getWallType(curDoc, "Generic - 200mm")
								End If
								'create wall from line 
								Dim newWall As Wall
								newWall = Wall.Create(curDoc, curLine.GeometryCurve, curWalltype.Id, curLevel.Id, convertMMtoFT(4000), 0, False, False)
							End If 
						End If
					Next curLevel 
				Next curLine 
			End If
			'commit changes to model 
		End Using
	End Sub
	Public Function convertMMtoFT(mmDim As Double) As Double 
	'convert millimeters to feet
		Dim convert As Double
		convert = (mmDim/25.4)/12
		Return convert
	End Function
	Public Function getWallType(curDoc As Document, wallTypeName As String) As WallType 
		'returns wall type object from specified wall type string 
		Dim curCollector As New FilteredElementCollector(curDoc) 
		For Each curWallType As WallType In curCollector 
			'Debug.Print (curWallType.Name.ToString)
			If curWallType.Name.ToString Like wallTypeName Then 
				Return curWallType
				Exit Function 
			End If
		Next curWallType
		Return curCollector.FirstElement
	End Function 
	Public Sub RenumberDoors()
		'define current project
		Dim curDoc As Document = Me.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document
		'get all doors in project
		Dim doorCollector As New FilteredElementCollector(curDoc) 
		'create transaction
		Using curTrans As New Transaction(curDoc, "update door number")
		If curTrans.Start = TransactionStatus.Started Then
			'loop through each door and renumber 
			For Each curElem As Element In doorCollector.ToElements 'recast current element as family instance
				Dim curDoor As FamilyInstance = CType(curElem, FamilyInstance)
				'get current door's ToRoom parameter 
				Dim curDoorToRoom As Room = curDoor.ToRoom 
				Dim doorRoomNumber As String
				'trap for errors when door doesn't have ToRoom number 
					'set room number to variable 
					doorRoomNumber = curDoorToRoom.Number
					Catch ex As Exception
						'no ToRoom value so set to EXT for exterior door 
						doorRoomNumber = "EXT"
				End Try 'set door's new door number
				Dim paramlist As IList(Of Parameter) = curDoor.GetParameters("Mark") 
				For Each curParam As Parameter In paramList
					'first clear the door number to prevent duplicates 
					'add suffix to door number 
					Dim doorNumber As String 
					doorNumber = doorRoomNumber & "A"
					'check if door number exists
					If doesDoorNumberExist(curDoc, doorNumber) = True Then 
						doorNumber = doorRoomNumber & "B"
						If doesDoorNumberExist(curDoc, doorNumber) = True Then 
							doorNumber = doorRoomNumber & "C"
						End If 
					End If
					'set new door number 
		End If
		'commit changes to model curTrans.Commit
		End Using
	End Sub
	Public Function doesDoorNumberExist(curDoc As Document, doorNum As String) As Boolean
		'get all doors in project
		Dim doorCollector As New FilteredElementCollector(curDoc) 
		'loop through each door and renumber 
		For Each curElem As Element In doorCollector.ToElements 
			If TypeOf curElem Is FamilyInstance Then
				'recast current element as family instance
				Dim curDoor As FamilyInstance = CType(curElem, FamilyInstance)
				'get door mark parameter
				Dim paramlist As Ilist(Of Parameter) = curDoor.GetParameters("Mark")
				For Each curParam As Parameter In paramList 
					If curParam.AsString Like doorNum Then 
						Return True 
						Exit Function 
					End If
				Next curParam 
			End If
		Next curElem 
		Return False
	End Function
There are other sources of information I went upon. The second one was this another blog, that only have a bunch of posts and it went silent after that. Did not try. This blog provided a lot of information, more specific, this post. Following sample comes from there
     #Region "This is the code to be collapsed"
     Public Sub CreatePrintSet_from_DrawingSheetSeriesParameter()
           'If you are copying this macro to  Application-Level Macro  (computer specific macro) remove ".application" after "Me." below an change "Partial Public Class ThisDocument" to "ThisApplication" above. 
         Dim curDoc As Document = Me.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document
             'This is a list to store all Sheet parameter values for comparison
             Dim SheetParamlist As New List(Of String)
             'This is a list to store all Print Sets actually created
             Dim createdPrintSets As New List(Of String)
             'get list of all sheets in project file
             Dim sheetList As List(Of ViewSheet) = getAllSheets(curDoc)
             'get list of all ViewSheetSets in project file
                    For Each curSheet As ViewSheet In sheetList
                     Dim DrawingSheetSeries As String
                     If curSheet.LookupParameter("Drawing Sheet Series").AsString IsNot Nothing
                         DrawingSheetSeries = curSheet.LookupParameter("Drawing Sheet Series").AsString
                         'Make a VPrint Set only for Sheets in a specific group defined by parameter
                         If DrawingSheetSeries.Contains("") Then
                             'Leave empty if you don't need to filter parameter names
                             'If you need to filter off some parameter names add text between "". i.e DrawingSheetSeries.Contains("24")
                             'Check if a sheet is already added to a print set by checking if its parametre is on the list
                             If SheetParamlist.Contains(DrawingSheetSeries) Then
                                 'add parameter to the list and make a print set from all drawings with this parameter
                                 Dim newViewSet As New ViewSet
                                 'this adds all drawings to a new print set
                                 For Each Sheetinlist As ViewSheet In sheetList
                                     If DrawingSheetSeries = Sheetinlist.LookupParameter("Drawing Sheet Series").AsString Then
                                     End If
                                 'get the PrintManger from the current document
                                 Dim printManager As PrintManager = curDoc.PrintManager
                                 'set this PrintManager to use the "Selected Views/Sheets" option
                                 printManager.PrintRange = PrintRange.Select
                                 'get the ViewSheetSetting which manages the view/sheet set information of current document
                                 Dim viewSheetSetting As ViewSheetSetting = printManager.ViewSheetSetting
                                 'set the views in this ViewSheetSetting to the newly created ViewSet
                                 viewSheetSetting.CurrentViewSheetSet.Views = newViewSet
                                 Dim setName As String = DrawingSheetSeries
                                 'create transaction
                                 Using curTrans As New Transaction(curDoc, "Create Sheet Sets")
                                         'Save the current view sheet set to another view/sheet set with the specified name.
                                         'commit changes
                                     'handle the exception that will occur if there is already a view/sheet set with this name
                                     Catch ex As Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.InvalidOperationException
                                         Dim td As New TaskDialog("TaskDialog")
                                         td.CommonButtons = TaskDialogCommonButtons.Ok
                                         td.CommonButtons = TaskDialogCommonButtons.Cancel
                                         'td.MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.TaskDialogIconWarning
                                         td.AllowCancellation = True
                                         td.MainInstruction = "Print Set """ & setName & """ is already in use"
                                         td.ExpandedContent = "Existing print set will be renamed to: ""name_old1"" (or ""_ 2__etc.)." & Environment.NewLine & "New print set will be named: ""name_1"" (or ""_ 2__etc.)."
                                         td.MainContent = "What would you like to do:"
                                         td.AddCommandLink(TaskDialogCommandLinkId.CommandLink1, "Replace existing Print Set")
                                         td.AddCommandLink(TaskDialogCommandLinkId.CommandLink2, "Rename existing Print Set")
                                         td.AddCommandLink(TaskDialogCommandLinkId.CommandLink3, "Rename this Print Set")
                                         Dim tdResult As TaskDialogResult = td.Show()
                                             'OPTION 1: If user clicks the first command link: "Replace existing Print Set"
                                             If TaskDialogResult.CommandLink1 = tdResult Then
                                                 Dim VSSList As List(Of ViewSheetSet) = getAllViewSheetSets(curDoc)
                                                 For Each viewSheetSet0 As ViewSheetSet In VSSList
                                                     If viewSheetSet0.Name = setName Then        
                                                         viewSheetSetting.CurrentViewSheetSet.Views = newViewSet
                                                         viewSheetSetting.SaveAs(setName & "_temp")
                                                         viewSheetSetting.CurrentViewSheetSet = viewSheetSet0
                                                         Dim VSSList3 As List(Of ViewSheetSet) = getAllViewSheetSets(curDoc)
                                                         For Each viewSheetSet1 As ViewSheetSet In VSSList3
                                                             If viewSheetSet1.Name = (setName & "_temp") Then
                                                                 viewSheetSetting.CurrentViewSheetSet = viewSheetSet1
                                                             End If
                                                        End if
                                             'OPTION 2: If user clicks the first command link: "Rename existing Print Set"
                                             ElseIf TaskDialogResult.CommandLink2 = tdResult Then
                                                 Dim VSSList1 As List(Of ViewSheetSet) = getAllViewSheetSets(curDoc)
                                                 For Each viewSheetSet2 As ViewSheetSet In VSSList1
                                                     If viewSheetSet2.Name = setName Then 
                                                         viewSheetSetting.CurrentViewSheetSet.Views = newViewSet
                                                         viewSheetSetting.SaveAs(setName & "_temp")
                                                         viewSheetSetting.CurrentViewSheetSet = viewSheetSet2
                                                             viewSheetSetting.Rename(setName & "_old1")
                                                             TaskDialog.Show("ViewSetRenameOld","Existing print set was renamed to: """ & setName & "_old1""")
                                                         Catch ex2 As Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.InvalidOperationException
                                                             Dim VSSList4 As List(Of ViewSheetSet) = getAllViewSheetSets(curDoc)
                                                             Dim i As Integer = 1
                                                             Dim Z As Boolean = False
                                                             Do While Z = False
                                                                 For Each viewSheetSet4 As ViewSheetSet In VSSList4
                                                                     If viewSheetSet4.Name = (setName & "_old" & i) Then    
                                                                         i = i + 1
                                                                         Z = True
                                                                     End If
                                                             viewSheetSetting.SaveAs(setName & "_old" & i)
                                                             TaskDialog.Show("ViewSetRenameOld","Existing print set was renamed to: """ & setName & "_old" & i)
                                                         End Try
                                                     End If
                                                 Dim VSSList2 As List(Of ViewSheetSet) = getAllViewSheetSets(curDoc)
                                                 For Each viewSheetSet3 As ViewSheetSet In VSSList2
                                                     If viewSheetSet3.Name = setName & "_temp" Then
                                                         viewSheetSetting.CurrentViewSheetSet = viewSheetSet3
                                                     End If
                                             'OPTION 3: If user clicks the second command link: "Rename this Print Set"
                                             ElseIf TaskDialogResult.CommandLink3 = tdResult Then
                                                     'Save the current view sheet set to another view/sheet set with the specified name.
                                                     viewSheetSetting.SaveAs(setName & "_1")
                                                     'commit changes
                                                     createdPrintSets.Add(setName & "_1")
                                                 'handle the exception that will occur if there is already a view/sheet set with this name
                                                 Catch ex1 As Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.InvalidOperationException
                                                     Dim VSSList As List(Of ViewSheetSet) = getAllViewSheetSets(curDoc)
                                                     Dim i As Integer = 1
                                                     Dim Z As Boolean = False
                                                     Do While Z = False
                                                         For Each viewSheetSet2 As ViewSheetSet In VSSList
                                                             If viewSheetSet2.Name = (setName & "_" & i) Then    
                                                                 i = i + 1
                                                                 Z = True
                                                             End If
                                                     viewSheetSetting.SaveAs(setName & "_" & i)
                                                     createdPrintSets.Add(setName & "_" & i)
                                                 End Try
                                             End If
                                     End Try    
                                 End Using       
                             End If
                         End If
                     End If
                    If createdPrintSets.Count = 0 Then
                        TaskDialog.Show("End", "NO PRINT SETS CREATED!")
                        TaskDialog.Show("End", "No of Prints Sets Created: "& createdPrintSets.Count & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Names of Print Sets Created: "& Environment.NewLine & (String.Join(Environment.NewLine, createdPrintSets.ToArray)))
                    End If
    End Sub
    #End Region    
    Public Function getAllSheets(curDoc As Document) As List(Of ViewSheet)
         'get all views
         Dim sheetCollector As New FilteredElementCollector(curDoc)
         Dim SheetsCollection As New List(Of ViewSheet)
         For Each x As ViewSheet In sheetCollector.ToElements
         Return SheetsCollection
    End Function
    Public Function getAllViewSheetSets(curDoc As Document) As List(Of ViewSheetSet)
         'get all  ViewSheetSets
         Dim VSSCollector As New FilteredElementCollector(curDoc)
         Dim VSSCollection As New List(Of ViewSheetSet)
         For Each s As ViewSheetSet In VSSCollector.ToElements
         Return VSSCollection
     End Function
Following this post of Luisa Santamaría Gallardo, reached some useful information also. For the english spoken I have to say it’s in spanish. But I must recommend to look for on the for some indexed information.

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