An ongoing project we have on mind is to have a kind-of VBA port-language software, with the ultimately goal to get VBA code compiled, if this is anyway possible, to COM or DLL so code will be effectively hidden from prying eyes.
There are some steps that have to be achieved in this process before getting the port:
- Recognize special or reserved words
- Set reserved words equivalences to other programming language
- Detect procedures (Sub/Functions) and its variables
- Detect objects (Type)
- Detect enumeration variables (Enum)
- Structure code in blocks (DoLoop, ForNext, IfThen…) that can be indepedent one from each other
- Indent code (for better readability and comprenhension)
- Port from VBA to new language
- Revise code for unhandled exceptions
From here on, there is a high chance to get code
compiled and reuse over Excel through VBA without exposing original code.
So, other popular scripting languages, aside VBA, are Python, JavaScript and PHP, all of them had been already wrapped to run under Excel. Other languages considered, as they already have their own compiler, are C++, the collection on .Net platform, and Fortran, so their compiled DLLs can be used with Excel.
If language port can be done to any one of those, then, it can be achived for them all.
VBA to JavaScript converter
My main interest now is focused in learning JS, and get the port from VBA to JavaScript.
One site that game me some hints on how to start on the JS world came from
here. The converter scripts are far from running, but the map to follow the conversions is compact and, somehow, clear.
There are some functions in VBA but not in JS, so here comes very handy the collecting work done in this
CodeProject article by
Anele ‘Mashy’ Mbanga.
Are these sites worth looking?, seems yes
I started with the IF (elseif, else) block, then jumped to the FOR (for each) block, and ended with the LOOP (Do-While/Until, While-Wend) block.
Let’s see the code:
Public Sub sV2J_If()
Dim CodeBlock As String
'CodeBlock = "If Condition1 = 1 Then If Condition2 = 2 Then If Condition3 = 3 Then Action: If Condition4 = 3 Then Action" & vbLf & _
"If Condition1 = 1 Then" & vbLf & _
vbTab & "If Sub1 = 1 Then" & vbLf & _
vbTab & " sub1 = 1.1" & vbLf & _
vbTab & "ElseIf Sub2 = 2 Then" & vbLf & _
vbTab & " sub2 = 1.2" & vbLf & _
vbTab & "ElseIf Sub3 = 3 Then" & vbLf & _
vbTab & " sub3 = 1.2" & vbLf & _
vbTab & "Else" & vbLf & _
vbTab & " sub4 = 1.4" & vbLf & _
vbTab & "End If" & vbLf & _
"ElseIf Condition2 = 2 Then" & vbLf & _
" Statement2 = 2" & vbLf & _
"ElseIf Condition3 = 3 Then" & vbLf & _
" Statement3 = 2" & vbLf & _
"Else" & vbLf & _
" Statement4 = 2" & vbLf & _
"End If"
Call fVbCleaner(CodeBlock)
'CodeBlock = fIf(CodeBlock:=CodeBlock, _
Then»:=" Then", _
If»:="if ", _
ElseIf»:="elseif ", _
Else»:="else", _
EndIf»:="end if", _
Then«:=" {", _
If«:="if ", _
ElseIf«:="elseif ", _
Else«:="else", _
EndIf«:="}", _
Opener«:=" {", _
Closer«:="} ", _
Indenter:=" ", _
CodeBlock = "For lgCounter1 = LBound(aStatement) To UBound(aStatement)" & vbLf & _
" Statement = lgCounter1" & vbLf & _
" For lgCounter2 = LBound(aStatement) To UBound(aStatement)" & vbLf & _
" Statement = lgCounter2" & vbLf & _
" For lgCounter3 = LBound(aStatement) To UBound(aStatement)" & vbLf & _
" Statement = lgCounter3" & vbLf & _
" Next lgCounter3" & _
" Next lgCounter2" & _
"Next lgCounter1"
CodeBlock = fFor(CodeBlock:=CodeBlock, _
For»:="For ", _
Next»:="Next", _
Break»:="Exit For", _
For«:="for ", _
Next«:="continue", _
Break«:="continue", _
Opener«:=" {", _
Closer«:="} ", _
Indenter:=vbTab, _
Debug.Print CodeBlock
End Sub
Public Function fJSCleaner(ByRef CodeBlock As String) As Boolean
'!!! ToDo: only if not inside comment block
Dim aComment() As String
Dim aStatement() As String
Dim lgStatement As Long
' Clean code
CodeBlock = VBA.Replace$(CodeBlock, vbTab, " ") ' Avoid odd chars
CodeBlock = VBA.Replace$(CodeBlock, vbLf, vbCrLf) ' Avoid impropper breaks
CodeBlock = VBA.Replace$(CodeBlock, "; ", vbCrLf) ' Avoid combined lines
' Avoid traps
CodeBlock = VBA.Replace$(CodeBlock, "if(", "if (")
CodeBlock = VBA.Replace$(CodeBlock, "elseif(", "elseif (")
CodeBlock = VBA.Replace$(CodeBlock, "for(", "for (")
' Break one line If
CodeBlock = VBA.Join(aStatement(), vbCrLf)
End Function
Public Function fVbCleaner(ByRef CodeBlock As String) As Boolean
'!!! ToDo: only if not inside comment block
Dim aComment() As String
Dim aStatement() As String
Dim lgStatement As Long
' Clean code
CodeBlock = VBA.Replace$(CodeBlock, vbTab, " ") ' Avoid odd chars
CodeBlock = VBA.Replace$(CodeBlock, vbLf, vbCrLf) ' Avoid impropper breaks
CodeBlock = VBA.Replace$(CodeBlock, ": ", vbCrLf) ' Avoid combined lines
CodeBlock = VBA.Replace$(CodeBlock, " _" & vbCrLf, " ") ' Avoid line continuation
' Break one line If
aStatement() = VBA.Split(CodeBlock, vbCrLf)
For lgStatement = LBound(aStatement) To UBound(aStatement)
Do While VBA.InStr(1, VBA.LCase$(aStatement(lgStatement)), " then ", vbTextCompare) > 0
aStatement(lgStatement) = VBA.Replace$(aStatement(lgStatement), " then ", " Then" & vbCrLf, 1, 1, vbTextCompare) & vbCrLf & "End If"
Next lgStatement
CodeBlock = VBA.Join(aStatement(), vbCrLf)
End Function
Public Function fIIf(ByVal CodeBlock As String)
'ternary Operator (cond ? truepart : falsepart)
End Function
Public Function fForEach(ByVal CodeBlock As String, _
Optional ByVal For» As String = "For ", _
Optional ByVal Break» As String = "Break", _
Optional ByVal Continue» As String = "Exit For", _
Optional ByVal For« As String = "for ", _
Optional ByVal Break« As String = "break", _
Optional ByVal Continue« As String = "continue", _
Optional ByVal Opener« As String = " {", _
Optional ByVal Closer« As String = "} ", _
Optional ByVal Indenter As String = vbTab, _
Optional ByVal Comment As String = "'") As String
'for (x in person) {
End Function
Public Function fFor(ByVal CodeBlock As String, _
Optional ByVal For» As String = "For ", _
Optional ByVal Next» As String = "Next", _
Optional ByVal Break» As String = "Exit For", _
Optional ByVal For« As String = "for ", _
Optional ByVal Next« As String = "continue", _
Optional ByVal Break« As String = "continue", _
Optional ByVal Opener« As String = " {", _
Optional ByVal Closer« As String = "} ", _
Optional ByVal Indenter As String = vbTab, _
Optional ByVal Comment As String = "'") As String
Dim aForStatement() As String
Dim aStatement() As String
Dim lgStatement As Long
Dim lgStatements As Long
Dim bNewVar As Boolean
Dim bGotoNext As Boolean
Dim Counter As String
aForStatement() = VBA.Split(CodeBlock, ";")
lgStatements = UBound(aForStatement) - LBound(aForStatement) + 1
If lgStatements >= LBound(aForStatement) + 0 Then
If VBA.Trim$(aForStatement(LBound(aForStatement) + 0)) = vbNullString Then
Counter = aForStatement(LBound(aForStatement) + 1)
If VBA.InStr(1, aForStatement(LBound(aForStatement) + 0), "var ") > 0 Then
bNewVar = True
Counter = aForStatement(LBound(aForStatement) + 0)
End If
End If
ElseIf lgStatements >= LBound(aForStatement) + 1 Then
If VBA.Trim$(aForStatement(LBound(aForStatement) + 1)) = vbNullString Then
End If
ElseIf lgStatements >= LBound(aForStatement) + 2 Then
If VBA.Trim$(aForStatement(LBound(aForStatement) + 2)) = vbNullString Then
End If
End If
' for (i = 0; i < cars.length; i++) {
'for(var x=0, x<n; x++){...}
End Function
Public Function fFor_(ByVal CodeBlock As String, _
Optional ByVal For» As String = "For ", _
Optional ByVal Break» As String = "Break", _
Optional ByVal Continue» As String = "Exit For", _
Optional ByVal For« As String = "for ", _
Optional ByVal Break« As String = "break", _
Optional ByVal Continue« As String = "continue", _
Optional ByVal Opener« As String = " {", _
Optional ByVal Closer« As String = "} ", _
Optional ByVal Indenter As String = vbTab, _
Optional ByVal Comment As String = "'") As String
End Function
Public Function fIf(ByVal CodeBlock As String, _
Optional ByVal Then» As String = " Then", _
Optional ByVal If» As String = "If ", _
Optional ByVal ElseIf» As String = "ElseIf ", _
Optional ByVal Else» As String = "Else", _
Optional ByVal EndIf» As String = "End If", _
Optional ByVal Then« As String = " {", _
Optional ByVal If« As String = "if ", _
Optional ByVal ElseIf« As String = "elseif ", _
Optional ByVal Else« As String = "else", _
Optional ByVal EndIf« As String = "}", _
Optional ByVal Opener« As String = " {", _
Optional ByVal Closer« As String = "} ", _
Optional ByVal Indenter As String = vbTab, _
Optional ByVal Comment As String = "'") As String
' Translate IF block
Dim aStatement() As String
Dim aStatementLevel() As Long
Dim aStack() As Long
Dim lgStatement As Long
Dim lgStatement_End As Long
Dim lgLevel As Long: lgLevel = 0
Dim strCode As String: strCode = vbNullString
Dim CodeOut As String: CodeOut = vbNullString
' Split If sub-blocks
CodeBlock = VBA.Replace$(CodeBlock, Then» & vbCrLf, vbCrLf)
CodeBlock = VBA.Replace$(CodeBlock, Then», vbCrLf)
aStatement() = VBA.Split(CodeBlock, vbCrLf)
ReDim aStatementLevel(LBound(aStatement) To UBound(aStatement))
ReDim aStack(LBound(aStatement) To UBound(aStatement))
For lgStatement = LBound(aStatement) To UBound(aStatement)
strCode = VBA.Trim$(VBA.LCase$(aStatement(lgStatement)))
If strCode Like If» & "*" Then
aStack(lgStatement) = 1
aStatement(lgStatement) = VBA.Mid$(aStatement(lgStatement), _
VBA.InStr(1, aStatement(lgStatement), If», vbTextCompare) + VBA.Len(If»))
' Avoid "=" comparison and apply "==" (Note: will fail for "===" intention!)
aStatement(lgStatement) = VBA.Replace$(aStatement(lgStatement), "=", "==")
lgLevel = lgLevel + 1
aStatementLevel(lgStatement) = lgLevel
ElseIf strCode Like EndIf» & "*" Then
aStack(lgStatement) = 0
aStatement(lgStatement) = "'" 'comment... avoid line
aStatementLevel(lgStatement) = lgLevel
lgLevel = lgLevel - 1
ElseIf strCode Like ElseIf» & " *" Then
aStack(lgStatement) = 2
aStatement(lgStatement) = VBA.Mid$(aStatement(lgStatement), _
VBA.InStr(1, aStatement(lgStatement), ElseIf», vbTextCompare) + VBA.Len(ElseIf»))
aStatementLevel(lgStatement) = lgLevel
ElseIf strCode Like Else» & "*" Then
aStack(lgStatement) = 3
aStatement(lgStatement) = "'" 'comment... avoid line
aStatementLevel(lgStatement) = lgLevel
Else ' action code
aStack(lgStatement) = 4
aStatementLevel(lgStatement) = -lgLevel
aStatement(lgStatement) = VBA.Trim$(aStatement(lgStatement))
End If
Next lgStatement
lgStatement = LBound(aStatement)
lgStatement_End = UBound(aStatement)
CodeOut = fIf_(aStatement(), _
aStatementLevel(), _
aStack(), _
lgStatement, _
lgStatement_End, _
Then»:=Then», _
If»:=If», _
ElseIf»:=ElseIf», _
Else»:=Else», _
EndIf»:=EndIf», _
Then«:=Then«, _
If«:=If«, _
ElseIf«:=ElseIf«, _
Else«:=Else«, _
EndIf«:=EndIf«, _
Opener«:=Opener«, _
Closer«:=Closer«, _
Indenter:=Indenter, _
fIf = CodeOut
End Function
Public Function fIf_(ByRef aStatement() As String, _
ByRef aStatementLevel() As Long, _
ByRef aStack() As Long, _
ByRef lgStatement_Start As Long, _
ByVal lgStatement_End As Long, _
Optional ByVal Then» As String = " Then", _
Optional ByVal If» As String = "If ", _
Optional ByVal ElseIf» As String = "ElseIf ", _
Optional ByVal Else» As String = "Else", _
Optional ByVal EndIf» As String = "End If", _
Optional ByVal Then« As String = " {", _
Optional ByVal If« As String = "if ", _
Optional ByVal ElseIf« As String = "elseif", _
Optional ByVal Else« As String = "else", _
Optional ByVal EndIf« As String = "}", _
Optional ByVal Opener« As String = " {", _
Optional ByVal Closer« As String = "} ", _
Optional ByVal Indenter As String = vbTab, _
Optional ByVal Comment As String = "'") As String
' Translate IF sub-block
Dim CodeOut As String
Dim lgStatement As Long
Dim lgStatement_Block As Long
Dim lgLevel As Long
Dim Indent As String
Dim Indent_ As String
lgLevel = aStatementLevel(lgStatement_Start)
Indent = VBA.String(lgLevel - 1, Indenter)
Indent_ = VBA.String(lgLevel, Indenter)
CodeOut = vbNullString
CodeOut = CodeOut & Indent & If« & "(" & aStatement(lgStatement_Start) & ")" & Then« & vbLf
For lgStatement = (lgStatement_Start + 1) To lgStatement_End
If aStack(lgStatement) = 1 Then ' if sub-block
lgStatement_Block = lgStatement
Do Until (aStack(lgStatement_Block) = 0) And (lgLevel + 1 = aStatementLevel(lgStatement_Block))
lgStatement_Block = lgStatement_Block + 1
CodeOut = CodeOut & _
fIf_(aStatement(), _
aStatementLevel(), _
aStack(), _
lgStatement, _
lgStatement_Block, _
Then»:=Then», _
If»:=If», _
ElseIf»:=ElseIf», _
Else»:=Else», _
EndIf»:=EndIf», _
Then«:=Then«, _
If«:=If«, _
ElseIf«:=ElseIf«, _
Else«:=Else«, _
EndIf«:=EndIf«, _
Opener«:=Opener«, _
Closer«:=Closer«, _
ElseIf aStack(lgStatement) = 2 Then 'ElseIf
CodeOut = CodeOut & Indent & Closer« & " " & ElseIf« & "(" & aStatement(lgStatement) & ") " & Opener« & vbLf
Do While (aStack(lgStatement) = 0) And (lgLevel = aStatementLevel(lgStatement))
CodeOut = CodeOut & VBA.String(lgLevel, Indenter) & aStatement(lgStatement) & vbLf
ElseIf aStack(lgStatement) = 3 Then 'Else
CodeOut = CodeOut & Indent & Closer« & " " & Else« & Opener« & vbLf
ElseIf aStack(lgStatement) = 0 Then 'EndIf
CodeOut = CodeOut & Indent & EndIf« & ";" & vbLf
Else 'ElseIf aStack(lgStatement) = 4 Then 'And aStatementLevel(lgStatement) < 0
If aStatement(lgStatement) Comment Then
CodeOut = CodeOut & Indent_ & vbTab & aStatement(lgStatement) & ";" & vbLf
End If
End If
Next lgStatement
lgStatement_Start = lgStatement_End
fIf_ = CodeOut
End Function
Here is a VBA equivalent to JS Push function
Sub sPush()
Dim aArray() As Variant
Dim PushVal As Variant
aArray() = Range("$A$1:$B$5").Value2 'fArray2D(Array(1, 2))
PushVal = Range("$A$6:$B$8").Value2 'fArray2D(Array(3, 4))
aArray() = fArray2D(Array(1, 2))
PushVal = fArray2D(Array(3, 4))
fPush aArray(), PushVal
End Sub
Public Function fArray2D(ByRef aArray As Variant) As Variant()
Dim aArrTmp() As Variant
Dim lgArrayDim1 As Long
Dim lgArrayDim2 As Long
Dim lgR As Long
Dim lgC As Long
On Error GoTo Array2D
lgArrayDim1 = UBound(aArray, 1) - LBound(aArray, 1) + 1
lgArrayDim2 = UBound(aArray, 2) - LBound(aArray, 2) + 1
GoTo ExitProc
If lgArrayDim2 = 0 Then
ReDim aArrTmp(LBound(aArray, 1), _
LBound(aArray, 1) To UBound(aArray, 1))
For lgC = LBound(aArray, 1) To UBound(aArray, 1)
aArrTmp(LBound(aArray, 1), lgC) = aArray(lgC)
Next lgC
fArray2D = aArrTmp()
Erase aArrTmp()
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Public Function fPush(ByRef aArray() As Variant, _
ByRef PushVal As Variant)
Dim aArrTmp() As Variant
Dim lgArrayDim1 As Long
Dim lgArrayDim2 As Long
Dim lgPushDim1 As Long
Dim lgPushDim2 As Long
Dim lgR As Long
Dim lgR_Push As Long
Dim lgC As Long
On Error GoTo ErrControl 'Resume Next
lgArrayDim1 = UBound(aArray, 1) - LBound(aArray, 1) + 1
lgArrayDim2 = UBound(aArray, 2) - LBound(aArray, 2) + 1
lgPushDim1 = UBound(PushVal, 1) - LBound(PushVal, 1) + 1
lgPushDim2 = UBound(PushVal, 2) - LBound(PushVal, 2) + 1
If lgArrayDim2 = lgPushDim2 Then
ReDim aArrTmp(LBound(aArray, 1) To UBound(aArray, 1) + 1 + UBound(PushVal, 1) - LBound(PushVal, 1), _
LBound(aArray, 2) To UBound(aArray, 2))
lgR_Push = -1
For lgR = LBound(aArrTmp, 1) To lgArrayDim1 - (1 - LBound(aArray, 1))
lgR_Push = lgR_Push + 1
For lgC = LBound(aArray, 2) To UBound(aArray, 2)
aArrTmp(lgR, lgC) = aArray(LBound(aArray, 1) + lgR_Push, lgC)
Next lgC
Next lgR
lgR_Push = -1
For lgR = lgArrayDim1 + LBound(aArray, 1) To UBound(aArrTmp, 1)
lgR_Push = lgR_Push + 1
For lgC = LBound(PushVal, 2) To UBound(PushVal, 2)
aArrTmp(lgR, lgC) = PushVal(LBound(PushVal, 1) + lgR_Push, lgC)
Next lgC
Next lgR
aArray() = aArrTmp()
Erase aArrTmp()
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
GoTo ExitProc
End Function